Hi I'm Jose A. Rivera was born in Santurce, PR on 1975. Santurce is part of San Juan the capital of Puerto Rico. I live in Trujillo Alto about 10km from SJ. It is located in the north east area of the island. My main hobby is Amateur Radio, also like digital photography and all computers related. Actually I'm working as part of the IT department on local University. I got my Novice ticket on 1990 at the age of 15, my call was WP4JDS. Then upgraded to Technician on 1991. Last year, 2000 upgraded to my General Class license and change my letters to KP4JRS.
I am member of:
American Radio Relay League ARRL
10-10 - Ten-Ten International Net (10x 65690)
30MDG - 30 Meter Digital Group (#3794)
EPC - European Phase Shift Keying Club (#12076)
My main interests in Amateur Radio are DXing on SSB, CW and RTTY. Participating on contests, mainly RTTY contests. And for sure QSL cards collecting.
My digital modes activity. " PSK31 & RTTY "
You can look for me on all the bands, I am very active on the Digital Modes, mainly on RTTY try to give a new one to the amateurs around the world.
Mobile activity " KP4JRS/M "
Some time you can hear me working from the mobile station. Trying to do something different and to give a new "KP4" mobile to all the amateurs around the world.
SSB & CW activity
Like the others ham modes, I enjoy a lot searching for new DXCC countries, working some contest to give a new multiplier and for sure collecting new ones and always looking for that rare DXpedition. to work and put them on the bag.